Saturday, January 2, 2010

[Inez] Rosinboller

Sorry this is coming so late, this is the thing we both made from November. Aaaaand just getting around to posting it. When I visited Elise in Denmark, the number one food item I bought were cardamom teboller (tea buns), usually with raisins. Partly I bought them because they weren't horrendously expensive (like most things in Denmark) and partly I bought them because they are completely, delightfully scrumptious. They were lighter than air and just enough cardamom to give them a complex, slightly sweet flavor.

This is my attempt to make the buns. I'm sorry I was slacking with the pictures -- the truth is I was a little disappointed with how mine came out, due partly I think to using 1/4 whole wheat flour. Note to self: when the desired effect is "lighter than air," whole wheat flour is not the way to go. I wish I had put texture and density before healthiness this time around.

The recipe does not ask you to knead the dough, but that seemed silly to me. I kneaded half and left half unkneaded. In the end, the kneaded ones were prettier because they didn't have the slightly knobbled drop biscuit look, but there wasn't a huge difference in flavor or texture.

Though they didn't turn out as delicious as the ones in Denmark, they were pretty good. I think there was too much cardamom in the recipe though, I think the flavor of the Danish teboller was more subtle than the final result with this recipe. It's definitely worth another go, with reduced cardamom and no whole wheat flour.

p.s. Thank you to Elise for giving me the tip that if I use pictures from my Picasa web album for the blog they end up enormous and beautiful!

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