Monday, July 13, 2009

[Elise] The final afghan!

I finished the afghan sometime in late April, or else in early May. The color is not done justice by digital cameras. It is soft and cozy, yet also very breathable, and my only complaint is it's tendency to shed little purple pills all around my room.

And here it is, looking much more appealing on my bed (in Denmark) than the white sheet ever did.

On other knitting notes, the slippers went mysteriously missing, so as far as pictures are concerned, they never existed. I also fell into an amazing yarn store in San Francisco with some friends and bought some wool to make myself a nie pair of winter wool sock, to be updated once I get the right sixe needles.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Angelfood Cake

So, after our failed Pots du Creme, we had left over egg whites. Our answer? Let's make some angelfood cake! The process made it clear why people don't generally just make it on a 'let's see what's in the cupboard' sort of whim. The recipe was a pretty standard one, but with a few tweaks in the dry ingredients.

Mixing the eggs and sugar took a long time until it was the right consistancy. We omitted the cream of tartar, because we didn't have any. Once it was all ready we added the dry ingredients.

The flour (which we used all-purpose instead of cake flour) called for being sifted five times, and having never made angelfood cake before, we obliged. Then because we didn't have much to put on the cake we decided to add a teaspoon of cinnamon, and then sift five times, again.

We baked the cake in a loaf pan because we didn't have a bundt pan, and spread it as evenly as possible. When it came out the top 1/8th of an inch had the texture and look of merengue. The inside was squishy and moist. It was a nice balance.

Here are two slices together, topped with strawberries! Yum.