Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

As of this week, our blog is now one year old. So while I was in D.C. last month visiting Inez, I made yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting, for the first time, from scratch. They had their shortcomings (somehow they came out tasting a little bit like sweet cornbread and the frosting was slightly over whipped) but nonetheless, they were delicious.

We pondered some about how to make this blog more cohesive. While the beautiful part of the blog is largely hard to plan and decidedly individual, the delicious portion is somewhat easier to control. So we've decided to give each month a delicious theme. February's theme: Pastries. So far, I have plans for at least one Swedish translation, and I believe Inez has her eye on a tart of some kind. Any suggestions for other delicious pastries to make this month, or theme ideas for future months will be entirely welcome.

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