Wednesday, March 11, 2009

[Elise] Afghan: part 1

Last Thursday my Yarn arrived in a squishy purple package. First I pulled everything out. Took pictures. Pet the yarn, squeezed the yarn, smelled the yarn (it smelled surprizingly good!), got a general feel for the weight and how it handles. Finally I balled the yarn up and started planning my attack. I have to say; this yarn held up completely to my expectations. The color is vivid and varied, it's soft, and knit up into a garter stich (which comprises most of the blanket) it is strechy, but limp in a good way. In a way that falls very nicely across your body, keeping you cozy and warm.

So once the yarn was balled up I began to knit...

One of the initial starter blocks.

...and knit...

the results after my first evening of knitting
...and knit...

The full width of the blanket (upside down). CD for relative size.

...and knit!

The full width begining to elongate, also with full top border. At this point it's starting to look and feel like a real blanket.

More updates to come as the blanket progresses.


  1. Elise, it looks so good! I'm impressed. You go.

  2. elise, it's georgeous! I really like the raised rows in the middle. Gives it a lovely texture and also really draws your eye along the different colors.
