Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I suppose I should begin by explaining a bit. I am Elise (left) and Inez (right) is a very dear friend. The two of us enjoy baking and cooking and making otherwise tasty treats as well as making pretty things out of yarn and fabric. Many of these projects we used to work on together, but since the start of college we seem to spend less and less time in the same city. That's where this blog comes in: as a way to easily share (and drool over) eachothers projects from far away. Perhaps along the way you'll stumble across this and we'll share with you too.

(As a side note, the cake in this picture is nothing more than a yellow box cake with chocolate frosting from a can, what I make for myself every year on my birthday. I still haven't found anything quite comparble in a comfort cake, reminds-me-of-my-childhood kind of way.)

1 comment:

  1. Did you take any pictures of the post-Christmas truffles?

