Monday, February 23, 2009

[Inez] cakes, cakes, cakes

So, I don't actually have any pretty pictures to add this time. I don't know how many people actually read this thing, but I have a favor to ask of you. Remember the cook book idea I told you about in my last post? I need ideas. I need event ideas and cake ideas-- they don't have to go together, I just need events and cakes. Sample events:
  • New crush (middle school) - confetti cake with pink buttercream frosting
  • A case of the Mondays
  • Potluck
  • Finals week 
  • First snow of the year
  • College graduation
You get the idea.


  1. So I'm not sure if it was already on your list, but I would say microwave cake for finals week. Then for graduation (unfortunately this only works at the myriad schools with the colors red and white) I'd say red-velvet cake with some nice white frosting... except this would be more a small party cake, not big grad party cake. Just some thoughts.

  2. Here are some cakes that frequently appear at my house, but I don't know what events they could accompany: poppy seed cake (for my mom's birthday), carrot cake (for my dad's birthday), cherry black forest cake, angel food cake, chocolate roll-up cake (coconut, almond, ... in a jelly roll pan then rolled up). We made chocolate mud cake last national chocolate cake day. And some others: marble cake, banana spice cake, pineapple upside down cake, german chocolate cake, fruit cake, ... And some events: you mentioned V-day earlier but didn't put it on the list, and I think you mentioned getting dumped, start of fall, start of spring, girls night out, I finished writing a humongous paper, picnic, pet's birthday, I'll keep thinking. Do want really basic events like St Patrick's day and fourth of July? "I need an excuse to make a cake" should be its own event. ~Rebecca
